
精东影业视频 is a community of lifelong learners that welcomes, values, and respects diversity. The college fosters a climate of mutual respect that celebrates diversity by embracing our differences. Our institutions Strategic Plan central to our commitment to diversity. We demonstrate this commitment by serving students, faculty, staff and community members with fairness and equality to prepare all lifelong learners to succeed in a global society.

精东影业视频 is guided by the principle that there shall be no difference in the treatment of persons because of race, religion, color, age, sex, including a pregnancy-related condition, sexual-orientation, military status or military obligations, disability, including veterans with service-connected disabilities, or national origin, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. Similarly, there shall be no difference in the treatment of persons who file charges of discrimination, participate in a discrimination proceeding, or otherwise oppose discrimination. It is our policy to comply fully with the non-discrimination provision of all state and federal regulations with regard to recruitment, admission, financial aid, activities, hiring, promotions, training, terminations, benefits and compensation.


Contact Us

Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Bristlecone Building, Room 161
2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703